100 Quilts for Christmas Charity Quilt Finish!

Yea!  I managed to finish this charity quilt for the 100 Quilts for Christmas event in time!  I love the soft baby blue color and the very simple pinwheel design.  This quilt didn't need much to show off the cute elephant cowboy fabric.  (sorry it looks so rumpled...  the quilt got kind of squashed when it traveled on a road trip in the car this past weekend.  Nothing a little fluff in dryer can't take care of!)

After doing a little research on blanket donations, I decided I am taking this little guy to Project Linus.  There are several LQS that take donations, and honestly, I thought that would be easiest with my two boys in tow.

It's backed with a soft cuddly baby blue flannel.  I hope it makes some little boy's Christmas!