Patchwork Auditions

This is the official announcement of something unofficial.  What on earth does that mean?

I've been thinking for a while that I would love to explore different coloring options for classic quilt blocks.  So many times, we become ingrained to see blocks colored a certain way.  Our brain only sees it that one way.

I began thinking about this while designing the Vice Versa blocks.  For those blocks, we made 2 of the same block - only reversed the colors.  One block was made the traditional way, the second block put the color in the background and inverted itself.  That was so much fun to do, it made me think that we are constantly missing a million other ways to color popular blocks.

I'm introducing a new series, called Patchwork Auditions, that will look at some classic blocks and expose some alternate colorings.  I want to look at the structure of the block and re-imagine color placements.   I'm going to focus on some great beginner blocks.
So what's the unofficial part?
I'm going to do this casually, which is a little out of character for my type A personality.  I don't have a plan, a schedule, a list of blocks, or a layout designed for a quilt.  I simply want to think about the blocks and make one.

Eventually, I'll put them together into a scrappy quilt.

You are certainly welcome to join me!  I'll be giving cutting instructions for the basic block in 12" and 16" finished blocks, but not a tutorial.  I hope that you'll audition other color arrangements as I am.  Or maybe make a ton of variations of the same block.  I'll keep a log of the Patchwork Audition blocks here.