So. Here we are. It's the final post for the Moccasin Block of the Month Club 2015 - the one where I officially mark this quilt complete. Although this quilt has been finished for over a year, it's still a work in progress to me as long as I am hosting the BOM and continuing to write and post it about it all year long.
Oh my gosh, what a year it's been. I genuinely thank you all for your support as I took my business to new levels with this BOM program. 2015 has been a pivotal year for me - and this quilt has been a huge portion of that.

The folks at RJR Fabrics contacted me in March of 2014 to see if I was interested in designing a Block of the Month program using their Cotton Supreme Solids. I jumped at the chance, excited to begin and having no real idea what I was getting into.
RJR has been absolutely fantastic to work with and helped me step into the printed pattern world. Printed Patterns. Those are just 2 small words, but there is SO much that goes along with that. I have learned volumes about myself, my design process, my instruction writing, commercial printing, graphic design for printing, carrying, shipping and bookkeeping for inventory, distribution and wholesaling, oh my. The list goes on and on. And although this post is really just supposed to be showing you pretty pictures of a finished quilt, what these pictures cannot show you is how much I have grown this past year. Both professionally and personally. Thank you to Demi and RJR for everything over the past year.
You all have seen this finished quilt many times over the past year.
Moccasin attended Fall Market 2014 in Houston, TX and Spring Market 2015 in Minneapolis, MN.
Moccasin appeared in the QuiltCon 2015 Show in Austin, TX, making it on local TV coverage there.
And attended Bernina University in Scottsdale, AZ in the summer of 2015.

If you have seen this quilt in person, then you know we must give credit where credit is due. Mindy Powell is the incredibly talented long arm quilter who quilted Moccasin for me. Every time I show this quilt, it is met with that sound of inhaling air, as your breath is taken away. Mindy's quilting is unbelievable.
When I sent this quilt top off to her, I only specified the pebbles and swirls I wanted in the navy blue background space. Everything else I left up to her discretion. The details that came back were jaw dropping. Especially the motif she created around the center Dresden/Irish Chain detail in the middle of the quilt. Thank you so much Mindy for taking this quilt and giving it life.
See?!?!? I told you this quilt is my fourth child!
Moccasin now converts to a sampler at the close of the Block of the Month Club. It is still available and is now purchased as a complete set of 12 patterns. Check that out here. Thank you all for a wonderful year! I look forward to featuring some your Moccasins in January 2016.