Summer Sampler 2016 - Turkey Vulture

Yes!  Today is the kick off of the Summer Sampler 2016 and I am honored to be the first designer up to bat with my Turkey Vulture block.

Turkey Vulture, huh?  Odd name for a block?  Perhaps. 
I designed this block right after returning from spring break with my family where we hit the road, heading to see family in Camp Lejeune, NC.  As it turns out, that's not all we hit.
About 60 miles from our destination, a turkey vulture on the side of the road took flight directly into us.  Thank goodness my husband was driving because I fully admit I ducked and covered.  The giant bird smashed our windshield top to bottom and showered us with shattered glass.  Luckily, no one was hurt (except probably the bird).

We pulled off at the next exit, the kids really only concerned if the dvd player was still in working order.  My husband snapped the above photo, asking me to give the thumbs up.  I was not in the mood.

Anywho, when designing this block I started off with the Hovering Hawk block and started playing from there.  I couldn't get this turkey vulture story out of my head, and I thought if I pixelated the center of the "hawk", it would look just like our smashed prism windshield.
Inspiration strikes in funny ways sometimes.  ;)  I can't wait to play along with the Summer Sampler 2016.  I hope to keep up and I'm making mine from my scrap bin.  Hope you enjoy this week's block pattern!