Charmed Prints QAL: Greek Cross Block

To print this tutorial, download the PDF file.

The Greek Cross is a perfect way to emphasize that center print.  Everything about it frames the center.  Easy to piece....  Let's go!  

unfinished block size:  a charm - 5"
finished block size: 4 1/2"

1.     **Use a scant ¼” seam allowance for all seams.**

To fussy cut is to target and cut a specific motif that's printed on fabric, rather than randomly cutting yardage as we normally do.

Fo  1.   Following the table below, cut your selected charm square down to a 2” square, making sure to fussy cut the elements you would like to include in that reduced size.  Also, cut the appropriate number of coordinating print squares/rectangles and sashing needed for the block.

Greek Cross Block Cutting Requirements
2” square
Cross Frame Print
2” x 1 ¼”
2” x 1 ¼”
2 3/8” square
Corner Print
2 3/8” square

        2.  Make Half-Square Triangle (HST) Units:  Take the 2 print 2 3/8” squares and draw a line diagonally from one corner to the other.  Pair the print 2 3/8" square with a sashing square of the same size, right sides together.  Stitch 1/4" away from the center drawn line, on both the left and right sides of the drawn line.

   3.  Cut the HST units apart on the center drawn line.  Repeat to yield 4 HST units.

4.  Press each HST unit with seams toward the print.

       5.  To make the cross frame, place one 2” x 1 ¼” sashing rectangle and one 2” x 1 ¼” cross frame print right sides together and sew along the 2" side using a 1/4" seam.  Press.  Repeat to make 4 units.

      6. Layout each of the 9 patches for the block in the pattern shown in the top final photo.  Sew the block together in 3 rows first.  Then sew the top 2 rows together.  Finally, sew the last row to the top two using 1/4" seams throughout.

Gen X Quilters

Charmed Prints QAL: Star Block

To print out this tutorial, download the PDF file.

Here we are..  The first feature block!  Nothing beats a classic star to frame a center print.  So I'd thought we'd start off with an oldie, but goodie.   Let's get started...

unfinished block size:  a charm - 5"
finished block size: 4 1/2"

     **Use a scant ¼” seam allowance for all seams.**

To fussy cut is to target and cut a specific motif that's printed on fabric, rather than randomly cutting yardage as we normally do.

11.  Following the table below, cut your selected charm square down to a 2 3/4” square, making sure to fussy cut the elements you would like to include in that reduced size.  Also, cut the rest of the required pieces for the block at this time.  **The sashing or background fabric should not be cut from previously cut strips, instead use the leftover and/or extra scraps.**

Star Block Cutting Requirements
2 ¾” square
Frame Print
1 5/8” square
   2 ¾” x 1 5/8” rectangle
1 5/8” square

2.     2.  Make Flying Geese Units:  Take the 8 print 1 5/8” squares and draw a line diagonally from one corner to the other.  

3.    3.  Take one 2 3/4" x 1 5/8" rectangle and place a print 1 5/8" square on top right sides together as shown.  Stitch along the diagonal line drawn in step 2.

     4.  Cut the excess fabric from the rectangle unit, making sure to cut 1/4" away from the stitching line.

5.  Press the seam toward the print.

4.     6.   Repeat steps 3-5 on the opposite side of the 2 3/4" x 1 5/8" rectangle, stitching along the drawn line, trimming excess fabric and pressing.  Make sure the diagonal stitching line is positioned as shown..

7.  Make 4 flying geese units.

5.       8.  Layout the star block as shown below.

9.  Sew the block together in 3 rows first.  Then sew the top 2 rows together.  Finally, sew the last row to the top two using 1/4" seams throughout.

Gen X Quilters

Charmed Prints Quilt Along: Layout Planning and Cutting

To print these instructions, download the PDF file.

Ok, let's get started on this puppy!  This week we'll begin cutting the sashing, border and bindings since the main fabrics should be already cut.  Thank goodness for precuts sometimes, eh?

But if you're like me, as soon as you get that pretty charm pack, you'll be looking at them all and pulling out all your favorites.  So if you don't mind, let's focus on the fun layout planning first.

Please ignore the fact that my design wall is my basement floor.  My real design wall is often so cluttered with UFOs that I use the floor for projects I am actually working on.  You get the bonus toys in the picture too since I'm usually so focused on my work, I don't notice all the clutter still in the picture.  Yikes!


Baby/Child Size Quilt:  Choose 36 charms.  Lay them out in a 6 row by 6 column arrangement as shown above.

Lap Quilt:  Choose 81 charms.  Lay them out in a 9 row by 9 column arrangement.

You may want to consider the value of the colors in your charms.  Since my selection is a completely random collection of prints, I pay special attention to value when laying them out.  I try my best to alternate a light value charm with a dark value charm in each row, and then stagger it in the next column.  Many of my prints have white/light backgrounds, so alternating them with the darker value charms spreads out the eye's focus.

TAKE A PICTURE!  So you don't forget how you wanted them laid out just in case something happens.  It will save you having to redo it again.

Select Feature Blocks:  After laying out the rows, begin to consider which of the charms you would possibly fussy cut for the feature blocks.  This can always change as you make the blocks, but I made a plan to make 2 of each of the 4 feature blocks.  That's a total of 8 feature blocks mixed in with the charms.  I also am planning to have each row with at least one feature block (x 6 rows), so 2 rows will have 2 feature blocks.

The feature blocks are:  Star, Pinwheel, Greek Cross, Diamond in the Square (clockwise, starting at the top center)

Customize!!  Here you can make your own plan.  Make more or less feature blocks.... Decide as you go....  it's completely up to you.  I mark them in the photo so I can remember which charms I want fussy cut.

Remember:  The unfinished size of your feature blocks will be the same as your charms (5" square).  So when you are looking for fun little cuties to frame in your fussy cuts, remember they will be small.  The diamond and the pinwheel have the largest feature centers with a square cut at 3 5/8".

Cut, cut.  We must do some cutting prep work.  Not my favorite part, but put on some good music and let's go!  I have two tables for each section depending on what size you are making.  Hope the tables are helpful!  WOF = width of fabric.

SASHING:  Cut these strips across the width of the fabric and remove the selvage edges.
Baby/Child Quilt
Dimensions (w x L)
Cut # WOF
Strips First
2 ½” x 5”
2 ½” x 37 ½ “
2 ½” x 41 ½ ”

Lap Quilt
Dimensions (w x L)
Cut # WOF
Strips First
2 ½” x 5”
2 ½” x 57 “
2 ½” x 61 ”

BORDER:  Cut these strips across the width of the fabric and remove the selvage edges.
Baby/Child Quilt
Dimensions (w x L)
Cut # WOF
Strips First
3 ½” x 48 “
3 ½” x 41 ½ ”

Lap Quilt
Dimensions (w x L)
Cut # WOF
Strips First
3 ½” x 67 “
3 ½” x 61 ”

FLANGE BINDING:  Cut these strips across the width of the fabric and remove the selvage edges.
Dimensions (w x L)
Cut # WOF
Strips First
1” x 48 “
1” x 67 ”

BINDING:  Cut these strips across the width of the fabric and remove the selvage edges.
Cut # WOF
Strips (2 ½” wide)